
FaceMaker is a free caricature character app that specializes in cartoon-style facial portraits.

Please select a gender to begin.


  • Men's
  • Women
Create a Portrait Image

Men's Brow

  • Brow Color
  • Black Brows
  • Brown Brows
  • Ocher Brows
Create a Portrait Image

What is FaceMaker?

Chara Face is a caricature app that allows you to easily create simple caricature illustrations with just a click. You can play on your computer or smartphone. Private (non-commercial) use as a profile image on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. is free. There is a fee for use for commercial purposes such as corporate, commercial, and advertising purposes. There is also a fee for use on graphic T-shirts, even for personal use.

Anime Avartar Maker

Anime Avatar Maker

Windding Sketcher


Portrait Maker

Cartoon Portrait Maker

Portrait Maker

Portrait Maker

Senior Portrait Maker

Senior Portrait Maker

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